hey! Give Us a Shout!

    Boost Your Brand &

    support your community

    Why Partner with hey!HUDA?

    High-Profile Platform for Your Brand

    Prominent Advertising: Our Heads Up Digital Advertising screens are strategically placed in high-traffic areas within your business to maximize visibility and engagement for your brand.

    Enhanced Reach: Your brand will be featured alongside other local businesses, increasing its presence and appeal in the community.

    Save on Advertising Costs

    Exclusive Discounts: As a hey!HUDA screen host, you benefit from reduced rates on digital ad buys across our entire network. This means you can promote your business more affordably and effectively.

    Cost-Effective Exposure: Enjoy all the advantages of digital advertising without the typical costs, thanks to our unique hosting program.

    Seamless Integration and Support

    Turnkey Installation: hey!HUDA handles the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of all digital screens at your location. There’s no additional effort required from your side.

    Hassle-Free Operation: Focus on running your business while we take care of the technology and content management.

    Contribute to Local Business Growth

    Community Impact: By hosting our screens, you’re helping other independent businesses gain crucial brand exposure, fostering a supportive business environment in your community.

    Networking Opportunities: Join a network of like-minded businesses that are dedicated to innovative marketing and community support.

    How It Works:

      Partnership Setup

      We collaborate with you to install Heads Up Digital Advertising Screens in strategic locations within your business premises.

      Ongoing Management

      hey!HUDA takes care of the screens’ maintenance and content, ensuring everything runs smoothly without any additional responsibilities for you.

      Network Participation

      Your business joins our digital marketing network, benefiting from increased visibility and discounted ad rates on all network screens in your local market.

      Take Advantage of Our hey!HUDA Screen Host Partner Program!
      Becoming a hey!HUDA screen host not only enhances your brand’s visibility but also supports local businesses and
      strengthens the community. Join us in revolutionizing digital marketing and enjoy the numerous benefits of our
      innovative platform.

      Expand Your Brand’s Profile, Save on Advertising, and Support Your Local Business Community

      hey!HUDA’s digital marketing network is the key to our business and the central pillar of our advertising approach.

      You can be an integral part of our network and give your community’s businesses critical support and visibility. We’ve designed our Heads Up Digital Advertising screen network to give our advertisers a high-profile platform for their brands, with the assistance of local businesses like yours.

      Partnering with hey!HUDA can be a smart business move.

      When you become a hey!HUDA screen location host, you get all of the features our other advertisers enjoy while saving on ad buys.

      Here’s how the hey!HUDA screen host partner program works:

      hey!HUDA teams with you to place Heads Up Digital Advertising Screens in strategic locations in your business.

      All screens are maintained and monitored by hey!HUDA, with no obligation on your business’s part.
      You are now part of the hey!HUDA digital marketing network!
      The hey!HUDA digital marketing screens at your location run content to promote other local businesses.
      Your business can save on digital ad buys on all other network screens in your local market!

      Teaming with us and becoming part of our network associates your business with the kind of innovative marketing that connects with today’s customers. And it helps provide other independent businesses in your market with much-needed brand awareness.